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About Me

As long as I can remember, I have loved to read. Every minute I could spare was spent hiding away in some den of dense pillows and fluffy blankets with my nose stuck in a book, eagerly devouring page after page of the story. One could say that I was, and still am, a bookworm, but I would have to disagree. I am far more of a carnivorous reader, like a lion, making short work of each tender morsel of sci-fi or fantasy or historical fiction; or possibly a woodpecker, drilling deeper and deeper into each novel, relentlessly poking and pecking until I finally reach the juicy inside bark, the plot. And from this utter love of books and reading sprouted a new, gentle bud of love for writing. What were once silly stories that began with, “Once upon a time”, written by a small chubby hand clutching a worn-out pencil grew to engrossing tales of adventure and action and magic and love typed on a quickly filling white page. Here I will attempt to express some of my feelings, hopes, and dreams through writing to those who care to listen, and in this very site I will share the things I feel must be shared to those who are there to hear me.

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